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Fouad Hammoud


Fouad Hammoud is a creative by trade and an illustrator by passion. Currently based in London, Fouad is an Associate Creative Director for AKQA. Between coming up with campaigns and innovative ideas at work, and balancing fatherhood with his two children at home, Fouad finds quiet evenings the best time to draw - no interruptions, no feedback, just enough time to get lost in the details. After graduating from AUC, Fouad worked in Cairo in advertising for a while before deciding to travel and study how the rest of the world does it. During his travels, his love for cities and details began to grow. It was only when he returned to Cairo and was challenged by a friend to draw a map so she could get home that his love for maps came to life. From that point, Fouad illustrated multiple cityscapes of cities he’s lived in, including London, New York, and now Cairo 2.0 - a dedication to his home while he’s away from home. There are more cities to come and more evenings to sit and quietly create them.

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